Canadian News

Case Comment: Gladwin Realty Corporation v Canada (2020 FCA 142) A Narrow Approach to What Constitutes Abuse of SAAR

  In Gladwin Realty Corporation v Canada (2020 FCA 142), the Federal Court of Appeal upheld the Tax Court's finding of abuse relying on a GAAR analysis. However, the FCA reached its conclusion in a slightly different way than the Tax Court. The difference is indicated in two interesting comments that the Court made. One […]

Commentary: Home Equity Tax

  The debate about reforming the taxation rules of the principal residence exemption (PRE or the “Exemption”) has been revived recently. Under s.40(2)(b) of the Income Tax Act (“the Act”), a sale of a principal residence qualified as such under s.54 of the Act would result in an exempt portion of the capital gain ensuing […]

Week in Review - October 2, 2020

  Federal Government Quietly Promises Automatic Tax Returns in Speech from the Throne: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's federal government is reportedly set to introduce an automatic tax return system for simple federal tax returns, which could revolutionize access to tax return benefits for many Canadians who do not file returns every year. A study from […]